Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Your Dreams

Please respond to the following questions; make sure you are honest and real.
What are your dreams, hopes, aspirations for life? What do you long for? How can these dreams be attained? What do you REALLY want that money CAN'T buy? What does "living" mean to you?


Meg P said...

I want to live my life to the fullest. So far, I have had no regrets. I have made countless mistakes, but I don't regret them because that is how you learn. I was thinking about a while ago, how I will never be a child again. I will never ride a bike for the first time, swim across the pool for the first time, dive off the board for the first time, or make the honor roll for my first time. Those days are over now. I can only hope that when I have kids of my own, I can give them everything I had and more. I want them to be happy with their past just as I am. I want to be successful. I want to go on to college and find out what really makes me the most happy, career-wise. I want to get a job I don't dread going to every morning. I want to meet someone that I can trust and makes me happy. I want to have a family and have great friends. I want to travel the world. And most of all, I just want to be happy and appreciate all I have and have had. To make my dreams reality, I have to work my hardest. I have to be myself despite all of life's obstacles handed to me. I have to stay on my own path and stay true to who I am and who I want to be. And, I have to follow fate's coarse. I do believe many things happen for a reason. So, if something goes wrong in my plan, I believe it is fate sending a sign to me. I think money can't buy the most important things in life. What I really want is happiness and love. I want to help others. I want peace. I want this mess of a country we live in to realize how fortunate we are and get along. I want people to support our leaders, despite their political party. I want people to be completely equal. The color of people's hair and skin should not matter in terms of who they are. To me, really "living" differs for every person. For me, really living is working hard to accomplish my dreams and have fun. I think really living is taking risks for what is really important to you; giving up something for something even more important. Really living is finding who you are and what you have to contribute to the world.

Elycia O. said...

I dream to be the best I can be, to help the world as much as I can, and to live my life to the fullest through Christ. I want to change the world as we know it. I want them all to experience all that I do. I have passion to do what I want to do. And I believe that I will follow through. It’s extremely hard to put into words how I feel, but I want to help others and open their eyes to the lives they longed for, for so long. I also want to travel the world and see places that I have dreamt to go and see places that open my eyes to other cultures. I thrive on helping people and so my main thing is to serve for the people of America.
I think that these dreams can be obtained through hard work, determination, passion, risk, and confidence. If you aren’t easily influenced then you can focus on your goals and obtain them. I think that determination and passion are the biggest factors because if you are determined one will have the will power to get it done and if one has the love and or passion it will keep the thriving alive.
The one thing I want that money can't buy is happiness and the child like innocence in each one of us. I want to live care free and live the full potential of happy. I want to be able to trust everyone and anyone, I want to Love like I have never been hurt. I want to be child like, when things didn’t matter like status, money, heartbreaks, tough times etc. I believe it would be the best live to live.
Living to me is the butterflies you feel when you hear a certain song, or see a cute guy. The adrenaline rush you get when you’re about to bungee jump or ride a roller coaster. The love you feel when you’re with the people who care about you. The trust you feel when your best friend is with you every second of the way backing you up. The excitement you feel when you hear your favorite song. The passion you get when tears are streaming down your cheeks when you realize God will be there by your side forever. The nervous feeling when you know you’ve done something bad. The Goosebumps on your back when you’re watching a scary movie. Life is the feelings and emotions we experience through life time experiences. They are never ending and ever lasting.

Allie S said...

I hope for a few simple things in life. I do not have a plan for everything in my life and I will go wherever my life takes me happily. I do want to graduate college and have a career. More than anything I dream of raising a family. I dream of having kids that I can provide for. I want to give them a life like I have had and present them with endless possibilities for their future. I want to give love and receive it. I want to all-in-all be happy with what i accomplish in life. I don't want my future to be handed to me, but rather I want to earn my happiness and fulfillment. These dreams can be attained by simply being flexible with life and working hard. I can have a career if I work really hard throughout my life. I can have a family if I am flexible and nurture my relationships. Money can buy me a college education so long as I take advantage of it. It can buy me a car, a house. It can't however buy me love from my family, or happiness. It can't buy me a state championship in soccer, or a fulfilled life. Living simply means maintaining happiness and overcoming things that take away from it. I can live just by achieving small goals i set for myself.

Danielle S said...

Throughout high school everything’s focused on graduating, getting good grades so we can all go to college to be a big shot one day. But truly, that is not the only thing I
want. My parents and grandparents since I was little have told me that one day I will be a doctor and that I will go to college to work in the medical field. Meaning, yes, I will be going to college for 8-12 years working my butt off, being a doctor, and making lots and lots of money. But really, that is not what I have ever wanted. Yes, that’s where I am headed and I will eventually be a doctor if I continue trying, but heck, what I REALLY want is just to really be happy for one time in my life where it doesn’t ever fade. I want to have kids, at least two, if not then one of each gender. I want to find real love, I want to travel and see all the beautiful places, I want to live comfortably in a house (either big or small) but suitable for my family. I want to sign my kids up for whatever they want to do, I want to make a difference in their life and make them smile every day of their life. I want to be the mom who wakes their kids up with a big plate of waffles with eggs and bacon and laugh at every dinner table. I want to have a family, I want my children to have what I did not. I want to help the invisible children, I want to stop human (women) trafficking. I want to be free of my misery that I have gained my whole life. I want to maybe move to Italy one day and be with the family I’ve missed out on. I want to be successful in whatever I do, no matter what it is. By having this accomplished I want to work hard in every relationship I have, to move forward with my life and to try and find out who I really am.
Living to me means being happy even in the worst situation. It means setting high goals for yourself and accomplishing them. It means to gain relationships that will last forever and the ones you love. It means to see every emotion in yourself. It means to experience things you’ve never thought you would do. Its doing what you want even if you aren’t getting good money for it. Its having little kids running around your house telling they love you. Its when you and your sole mate can look into each others eyes and see nothing but trust and ever lasting love. Its being who you are and never giving up.

Vivian said...

All my life I have feared my life not turning out the way I want. I need to have a family in my life, I want to be married and have 2 children...3 at the max. I want to be able to give them what they need, and a some what of what they want. I long for having a beautiful house, and having a Mr. Fix-it husband who does little romantic things for me through out the week. I can not wait to start my family, but I refuse to do so before I am done with schooling.
I dream of doing something in psychology, but fear it's not something I truly want to do. I hope that after I get done with my schooling I can get a really nice job, but I know that I will have to work my way up the chain. All my life I have wanted to be someone when I get older. When I was younger I planned on doing this through an acting career, but doesn’t every young child dream of being in movies with their favorite movie star? As I have grown older these movie star dreams have turned into just doing well in the career choice I choose.
Living means doing what I dream and long of doing; making sure I seize every chance I get of doing something amazing. Sometimes you only get one chance, meaning you can't pass it up. I hope to never pass up something that later I will regret not doing.

katie said...

I don't really have any career goals or dreams, I obviously want to have a job, but I just have no idea what I want to do. I want to go to college to get some sort of degree so I can do what I want. I guess one of my life goals is to just be happy and live life the way it was meant to be lived. I want to take advantage of the opportunities I get and experience different things. In my life, I really just want to be happy and appreciate what I have. I would like to travel across the world and see different countries and cultures completely different from our own. I plan on achieving the traveling through whatever job and have and making enough money to at least visit different places. My other dreams of living life to the fullest and being happy will all depend on the kind of person I am in the future. I hope to not take things for granted and embrace what I have in my life. I will have to remember that I am the one who decides if I am happy or not, and I should let other people or things decide my mood. For me, money can't buy happiness. When I look in my wallet and see I have a $20 bill, its nice, but it doesn't make me TRULY happy. I want to live my life to the fullest and I don't think I can do that if I'm not happy. "Living" to me is just enjoying life and doing the things I find enjoyment in, such as going to concerts, hanging out with my friends, etc.

Erik said...

I want to be a lot of things and have all that i imagine. I would love to be able to be a table tennis player. I would love to live in Spain, next to the beach so I could go there everyday. I would like to have a restaurant that I would own and only have to go there when i want to work but it would be self sufficient without me. I would love to have a Mustang GT Shelby 500 and a Ferrari. I would like to have a family and to be able to give them everything that they would want but without spoiling them. I would like to be able to play with my kids all the time, to be able to see my grandkids. I think that my dreams are really out of my reach, I would have to loose one of my dreams to gain another and that would have to be a really hard decision. I think that the only thing that money cannot buy of my dream is the one of a family. I think that living is just accomplishing one of the dreams that I have and that would be enough for me to be happy.

Bri R said...

I'm not really sure I have any dreams, hopes, or aspirations for the future...none that are significant anyway. I hope just like anyone else, that I live a happy and fulfilled life. I want to go to school at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design and get a degree in Graphic Design (I would prefer one in Fine Arts, but I don't want to be a starving artist) From there I don't really know...I want to eventually marry and have a couple kids and give them the love and teachings that I grew up with. I hope to one day see a woman as president, although regardless of gender, race, or sexual preference, I will vote for who I see as the lesser evil. But still it'd be cool. I'd like to live in a modest home, and earn a modest wage doing what I love. I would love to teach an art class part-time at some point. I think all in all what I want for my life is to love and to be loved and to be surrounded by my loved ones. To be able to work through the bad times, and laugh through the good ones. To give and get, and in the end to have lived a pretty decent life, maybe making a difference in someone else's along the way. I would say I hope to live long, but I don't. I think like 85 is a good age to go but I don't like to think about getting that old! I want to be able to understand that everything changes, and everything happens for a reason. I just wanna live and see what happens.

Katie H. said...

My dreams for life are that when I get older to just be satisfied with whoever I am and what I've accomplished. Of course I want to be successful but if that doesn't happen the way that I wanted it to then that's ok. I want to be happy, and get married, raise a family, and have a good career. These dreams can be attained by just keeping them always in my mind. Always thinking about them and how I can reach them, and I think that I will eventually reach them by being so concentrated on them. I don't really want anything that money can't buy, because I've already got it. I have an amazing and loving family and boyfriend and right now, that's all that I want that money can't buy. Living to me means that you fulfill what you want to in life and that you take every day to it's fullest. Never let the little moments in life pass you by because those moments might be the most significant.

Anonymous said...

My dreams are to not end up like the rest of my family. All of my siblings never went to college and some still even live at home. I want to become something more than what they are, I want to have my own life and not have to depend on someone so much. Hardwork, I guess, would be the way to attain these dreams, because my siblings didn't really have the drive to do well in school. My upbringing might have something to do with that because we weren't really pushed to do anything, we were always jumping from house to house so it was really hard. Money can't buy is a big family but I don't know if I could take care of another human being. Another thing money can't buy is confidence. I'm lacking in that department when it comes to thinking about what I'm going to do in the future. I want to be all the things that make a person great like getting outside everyday, contributing to my community, and have meaning to my life. I've always had this fear, though, that I won't be able to do it on my own. I've always had someone there giving me feedback on what I should do. How does someone break away from routine? How do we become our own person? Living to me means making a list of things that you would never do in a million years and commit to it. Life can't be just about getting a salary, making a family, and paying the bills. It was meant to be lived.

Tiffanyvvv said...

My dreams in my life are to go into the medical field, find love, and happiness in my life. I hope for many memories that I can remember in my old age and make sure I had made a good difference in someone’s life. I don’t want to be forgotten in my old age and hope my family will always be a priority. All these dreams, hopes and aspirations can be attained with motivation, courage, endurance, and hard work.
Money can’t buy love of course, but at my age, I don’t think it is an issue. I would really want more time, more time to live with no responsibilities and more time to just be a kid. When I was younger I always wanted to grow up but now I wish I was back in kindergarten finger panting and having no worries. I wish I was not thinking about the ACT coming up or if my GPA is high enough for the colleges I want to go to.
Living to me means, making mistakes and learning from them. Living with no regrets only wisdom and maybe a scar or two. Life contains the usual routine, eat, work, and sleep but living also means to do the things that you love to do, like your hobbies, kids, family, or traveling.

Kris F. said...

My dreams and hopes are that I can live a life in which I live life to the fullest. I want to do things out of the ordinary like go sky diving. There is only one shot at life and i might as well live with my adrenaline pumping. If I get money from working hard, then I will be able to afford to take a trip and do activities such as this. I want to be happy and feel good about my life. Money can't buy that but it can help. Living to me is doing things that create a sense of happiness and courage. This could be anything that appeals to the person, like me it is adrenaline with activities such as paintball. Life is never to be wasted.

Dani H said...

I have many dreams, hopes, and aspirations in my life right now. I dream of being a doctor one day, I hope I get recruited to one of my choice schools for college, and I spire to be a state champion next year. I know all of these will be constantly changing as they occur or I change my mind but at this moment I push towards the future I want. I long to be older and know how my life is going to end up but sometimes it scares me. That's why I enjoy the little time I have of being free and living on my parents money! I shouldn't be scared of the future because if I work hard and learn from my mistakes, my future will be pleasant and successful. I really want to be a state champion or runner-up and I really want my friends and family to be happy because it’s hard to see when others are sick and unhappy. I want them to be living. Which I believe is to be happy and doing the things they want, not what others' want. To live is to move from day to day not because you have to but because you want to and you look forward to the projects that will be accomplished.

brynns said...

I hope to live life to the greatest extent possible. I want to make sure that I don't have any regrets when I am in old age. As of now I have no regrets, I have grown up with the thought that everything happens for a reason. I long for happiness. Lately things have been very unhappy, I just want to remember how life can be when things are, and stay at a happy state. Dreams can be obtained through hard work. To me living life to the greatest extent means pushing myself into things that normally I wouldn't enjoy doing. Expanding my horizons, if you will. I want to become a sucessful interior desinger, and I know that you need lots of determination. Honestly what I want that money cannot buy me is my childhood back. I became mature way too fast, once my parents got divorced, and I just want to be able to be a kid again. "Living" to me, means that you need to do things to make yourself happy, not other people. What good is having a life if you're just living it to please people around you?

addies2010 said...

My hope for my life is to live it to the fullest extent that I can. I want to take as many chances as possible and go as many places as imaginable. I long to get out of my little bubble of security and experience what life really is, how others see it everyday. I want to know what it's like to wake up and look out the window and see the Eiffel Tower. I want to swim in the ocean in Australia, and walk along the Great Wall of China. I don't want my life to be a waste by staying in the same place for my whole life. I want to make the most of everything and die knowing that I took full advantage of my world. Money can't buy the feeling of personal accomplishment. I want to feel as though my dreams and my life have been fulfilled. Living to me, means experiencing the adventures life has to offer and taking risks that one would normally steer clear of. Living means taking chances, and preparing for the unknown.

Unknown said...

When I know you will be the first to know, assuming that I don't forget to tell you at all.

I probably long for purpose, but I love procrastinating.

Money is a safety net, it doesn't ensure that you will succeed, but it does stop you from landing head first on the concrete if you stumble.

Money is paper, if for some reason the world stopped going around, goods would be the only source of wealth, not paper.

However the only thing that counts is luck, creativity, and determination, all traits, which, of course, can't be purchased.

Any desire that money can't fill must be provided by one of the above traits or something similar.

Living is not dying a slow death or prolonging the inevitable. It is a unique experience that can best be described as being filled with different emotion caused by random experiences.

JaimeM said...

My life hope and aspiration is that when I'm on my death bed, I will be satisfied knowing that i have impacted the world. I am so small in comparison to the bigger picture, and i feel that putting my life towards a cause for humanity, animals or the earth is a much better use of my time than living for myself only. Whether or not I am recognized for what I have done to impact the world, does not matter.
Before I can do this, I need a better understanding of the world.
A year or two ago, I thought I knew what the world was all about. I thought people were inherently bad, and just looking out for themselves. As I have matured, I realized that I actually believe the opposite to be true now, and that just goes to show me that if my perception on humanity has taken a 180 degree turn in just a short year or so, how much i have yet to realize. I want to travel the world. I want to talk to rich people, homeless people, sick people, healthy people, happy people and depressed people and everything possible in between.
I want to impact people with my art. I want to evoke an emotion in a person when they see my art, or let the colors bring memories back to their heads of past experiences.
I want my art to be act as a portal away from problems, so that stresses and worries melt away, even for just a second when people see it.

In my life i hope to:
Befriend 1 new person a week.
Help lead someone to an epiphany.
Save someone from suicide.
Help people realize what is really important in their lives.
Sustain a relationship with all family.
Keep close friends.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, my hope for my future is that it is full of happiness. I hope that I will be surrounded by those I love, and those who love me for who I am; weirdness and all. I desire to see the world’s beauty, treasures and hidden secrets. I would love to see the wonders of the world, even the ones not on the list of 7. One of the greatest things that could happen to me would be if I able to watch a sunset, the stars and the sunrise with a guy I love. But at the end of the day, I just hope that I will have a job that I really enjoy and that supports me, and I have friends and family that are great to be around. These dreams can be attained by not being afraid of being myself around people, and by making sure I get a well-rounded education. In the end, it just comes down to having enough money, so that I can travel the world, and see what I want to see. The one thing that I REALLY, REALLY want that money can’t buy is true love. Love that comes so full and that feels like it can never be broken. If I ever find this, my life would be complete. To me, “living” means that you do what you want to do with your life. It means not being afraid to take risks and have fun once in a while. And, weirdly, I think living means that you have been sky diving at least once because you would then know how it feels to be free falling. Plus, it would be super fun.

Dani H said...

Mrs. Comp this is Abby S. I had trouble with my blog account so I am using Dani's. My dream is to be fulfilled and happy. I do not care how I achieve this but that is what is important to me. I long for success. Success in life in many different ways. With friends, work, and life in general. My dreams can be attained by striving for my goals and living my dreams. I want to achieve everything I desire. Money can't buy love, not true love at least. I want happiness, affection, creativity, and  fulfillment. Living means being on his earth, and enjoying this earth. It means appreciating your life for all it is worth . To live isn't just to exist, it's to thrive.

ky k. said...

Some of my dreams and hopes are to play some kind of professional basketball, and mainly I just want to reach my potential and play the way I know I can. Also I really want to grow in my relationships with my friends and family, and someday I want to have a family for my own. Hopefully when I get older I will be able to live somewhere in the southeast like Florida or on the west coast like California. I am working very hard so that someday I will be successful. As we have been talking about with happiness, I will try to work at what I like to do and follow my passions instead of living to make money and for material things because that won’t make me happy. As for most dreams with hard work, dedication, and perseverance your dreams can be achieved, and this is how I am going to try and reach my dreams. Although there are many distractions you may encounter while on your path to reach your dreams, you have to stay focused and not let them interfere with your overall goals. Even if you fail a few times or have a few minor set-backs you have to keep working and never quit if it’s something that you really long to have. What I really want that has nothing to do with money are the things I mentioned above. I want healthy, growing relationships with all of those around me and to be able to play pro basketball no matter how much it pays because I love the game so much. To me “living” means doing what you love and enjoying life not worrying about the little things that hold many up like money. If we could all live together and just enjoy life and do what we love without money, this world would be such a better place.

CodyK said...

My dreams are to become the best I can be at what ever I end up doing. I would love to open my own restaurant in Hawaii and be able to learn and hopefully over time become a chef. I have dreamed my entire life to live on a tropical island and be able to go to a beautiful beach no matter what day it is. I can attain these dreams by doing well in college and hopefully meeting a person while in college in Hawaii whose shares the same dreams as I do. The one thing money cant buy for me is for me to be able to live ON a beach in Hawaii, and be able to wake up every morning to the turquoise water. Living to me means that you live your life with no regrets and have the best time you can while you’re on earth. Everyone needs to dream and have hopes that they can do great things with there lives and as long as you believe in yourself you can achieve any thing you put your mind to.

jbarry said...

I will consider my life a success when I have a family, a wife that loves me, a job that I enjoy that provides for my family the opportunity to live without having to worry about finances. I want to be able to live my life in a place where my morals are not hindered and where all of the things that I want are accessible. I want to be happy enough that I don't need a fancy car and billions of dollars to be happy.

Dylan L said...

I have not really thought to far into my future, right now my only dream is to go to college and get a degree. I know I want to have a job when I am older that allows me to have enough free time to do the things I like. I want to have a career I enjoy and am passionate about, hopefully owning restaurants and bars in cool cities. I still don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life, I just know I want to do something meaningful with my life and talents. The only way figure out what I want to do with my life is to follow my heart, do what I want to do and what makes me happy. It doesn’t take a lot for me to be happy. If I can’t find a career I am happy I doing, I will move to the mountains and be ski patrol during the winter and a rafting guide during the summer; so right now I am not to worried about what I am going to end up doing with my life, hopefully it will all work out. All want is when I am old and gray I want to feel accomplished, feel like I have lived life to the fullest with no regrets. Living is finding what makes you happy and pursuing it. Living is enjoying everyday and finding a way to make a difference in the world during the short time we are on it, we are all is put on the earth for a reason, its up to us to find our purpose.

Anonymous said...

I hope and aspire to have a life that means something to me and the people around me. I find myself searching for purpose; that one thing that I love to do, and I can't answer exactly what that is yet. All I long for is happiness and fulfillment in doing something I love. I don't care if I live in a box as long as im happy. I THINK that journalism might be one of those things that could make me happy; and if I get the right education, I think that could be the career that I pursue. I also think that everyone needs a companion. Someone who loves and accepts you for who you are, and vise versa. I'm searching for that person too.
I think we are truly living when we trancend what was and what will be, and just be happy with what is. My good friend once told me, "Its never as good as it seems, and Its never as bad as it seems either." We skew our experiences with memories, emotions, and thoughts; but we rarely take the time to just live in the moment. To make NEW memories instead of relying on old ones. That is living.

sschacher said...

I want to be a lot of things and I have imagined many of them coming true. Its up to me to decide if I want to pursue them. I would love to be able to be a volleyball player and a teacher. I would also love to live in Italy for at least a year, next to the beach so I could go there everyday. I would like to have a clothing store that I would own and only have to go there when I want to work but it would be self sufficient without me. I would love to have a Mustang GT Shelby because that’s my name and it would be cool to drive something with the same name as me. I would like to have a family and to be able to give them everything that they would want but without spoiling them. I would like to be able to play with my kids all the time, to be able to see my grandkids. I think that my dreams are easily attainable if I try hard enough. I think that the only thing that money cannot buy of my dream is the one of a family. I think that living is just accomplishing one of the dreams that I have and that would be enough for me to be happy and live a fully functional life.

Chase K. said...

In life, I strive to be the happiest that I can be. I hope that I will have a loving family in the future, because a happy family equals a happy life. Of course I would also like to be financially set aswell so that I could enjoy some of the finer points in life. Also, I would like to graduate college because I believe it will gove me a sense of accomplishment.I believe that the goals of my life can be obtained through my persistant effort to obtain them and obviously an education is key.What I want that money can't buy would be a happy and healthy family. The word living, to me, means that you are in a state of contenment with who you are and what you have.